Technology Brief for Retirees


You will retain access to your Skidmore email for life. The email address does not change; it will still be "" (we no longer add "retiree" to the address).

Library Databases

You’ll continue to have access to the Library’s various databases. For more information, the Library has a website regarding what retirees can do at the Scribner Library:

Public Computers & Printing

You will still be able to log into the Skidmore public computers. You'll also be able to print in the Library to the public printers.

IT Help Desk (Computer Help)

You will still be able to call or write to the Help Desk. We can’t work directly on your personal computers, but we can advise you or recommend an outside repair service, if the problem is too big for us.

Media Services

Some aspects of Media Services won’t be open to you (e.g. borrowing equipment) but you can still access these services:

  • Large format printing, posters (payment via your Skidmore ID card’s declining balance account)
  • Help with the programs on the Media Services lab computers

Skidmore ID Card

You can request a new Skidmore ID card, with your “Retired” status on it, from the Card Office (located in Starbuck, lower level). This will let you into places like the Sports Center. You can also put money on the card, which can be used to pay for campus services (e.g. see Media Services, above) and in vending machines on campus.

Services You’ll No Longer Have Access To

All of the tiles (apps) in Okta will go away, except for email. This includes such things as TheSpring, OneDrive, and You will no longer have access to these services, starting after your official last day. If you have files in OneDrive or, please copy them somewhere else (e.g. flash drive, other file storage service) before your last day. You will also lose access to Skidmore-licensed software, such as the Adobe Suite, and Microsoft Office (downloaded apps and online apps).