Popular Services

If none of the other services match what you need help with, go here.

For anything going wrong with your Skidmore computer not covered by another category.

If you find a problem with a podium, projector, or other classroom technology

Please use this service if you are having a problem with a custom web application.

These temporary accounts can be scheduled up to several months in advance.

This service is for if you need Okta Verify removed from your account so that you can set it up on a new device.

If you need a printer installed for the summer use this service.

When an employee is moving within their office, or to an other office and needs their equipment moved.

If you need computer equipment installed for the summer use this service.

If you need a phone installed for the summer use this service.

This service is for problems related to network printers.

If you need to have It provided equipment picked up.

If you need something dealing with Cognos

If you need to add students, faculty, or staff to the list of people who can access a specific folder on Datastor

If you need something dealing with Banner

If you need something dealing with Oracle

Fill out this ticket if you need access to a club's shared email changed.

With one ticket, you can request a new computer, a phone setup (or change), software installations, and more.

A service to have your account unlocked from too many password attempts

If you are getting an error when signing onto the student health portal, use this service.

If you need card swipe access changed for multiple Skidmore members, use this service

If you need card swipe access changed for a Skidmore member use this service

If you need something dealing with Argos

Fill out this ticket if you need a club email made for member communication.